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subject: The Good And The Bad - Credit Card Funding For Your Small Business [print this page]

The Good And The Bad - Credit Card Funding For Your Small Business

For those small business owners with worse than perfect credit history, credit card funding may most likely become a mandatory part of keeping up with small business overhead.

The advantage of making use of credit card factoring to finance needed business items is that there truly is no limit imposed on what you can spend money on. The working capital can be used in order to acquire equipment, fix or remodel a storefront or even pay off taxes.

As a small business owner would forecast, credit card funding has more expensive interest costs than those received through a more normal location, such as your nearby lender. This means that through the duration of the advance, you give more in addition for the privilege of immediate access to money and lesser stipulations. On the other hand, for those who utilize credit card funding, the repayment amount is often frequently attached to the credit card transactions of the business, thereby putting to the side worries over not having enough to make the monthly payment and keep up with more business costs.

Some more advantages for the entrepreneur looking for financing via credit card funding consist of:

No Collateral necessary - No points to generate the cash advance - No limits on the use of working capital - No set payment schedule - Speedy turn around - Great Approval Rate

Albeit credit card funding offers funding options to a greater number of small business owners, there are a couple of fairly specific necessities in order to be approved. Each funding company has their own different conditions, but the following examples are the most frequentlyencountered throughout the industry:

The merchant must have been in business for 6 months to 1 year - The small business owner must have the minimum six months of credit card processing with a stated minimum figure of credit card business monthly - The entrepreneur must have a verifiable lease that will be in effect for at least one more year - The funding company may require transfer of all credit card processing transactions to their machines - The type of business must be acceptable and legal.

by: Daniel Samoohi.

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