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subject: How To Determine The Right Web Host For Your Business [print this page]

How To Determine The Right Web Host For Your Business

The choice of a web host is not a minor one for a business. It's a major point when you build your website, and you have to choose well to ensure that you get the proper quality to your website that your customers expect and deserve.

If you mistakenly choose a bad hosting service, this will slow down your site. You will find yourself more susceptible to various problems as well - hackers can get to your site more easily on a bad host. You are also going to be more susceptible to crashes and bugs. On the other hand, a quality host will help you manage these issues, will keep your site secure and will help it be a quality experience for your customers.

How best to pick the right web host for your needs? Here are a few tips to help with this.

Many small business and personal sites are not going to get a lot of traffic. For such sites, it does not make any sense to spend hundreds of dollars on a dedicated web host like Rackspace or Media Temple. That would just be wasteful, as it isn't necessary.

These sites have a bunch of computing fire power behind them of course, but you will likely never need to use it. Instead, why not just purchase an account at a shared host site? There are a number of these. The largest ones include Hostgator, DreamHost, and JustHost.

When you compare the different services, be sure to check on customer support. It's not easy running a website. There will be technical difficulties. It is a matter of when, not if.

What you don't want is a host that will take days to get back with you if you have a question. You don't need a host that will drag its feet and fix problems slowly. This sort of thing will hurt your visitors' experience of your site and your traffic will drop. Generally, a host should take no more than six to eight hours (during business hours) to address an issue.

Some hosts also include add on services or perks with the packages they offer. It's worth looking into it to see if yours does. You can also check to see if the company conforms to the latest technology standards. Issues like bandwidth, memory and so on are less important because these have to do with traffic to your site. Unless you expect thousands of visitors to view your page daily, such issues are irrelevant.

by: Caroline Jones..

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