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subject: Things A Bank Will Need To Know Before They Give You A Small Business Loan [print this page]

Things A Bank Will Need To Know Before They Give You A Small Business Loan

If you are looking to get a small business loan to finance your own business you will have to have a plan. The bank will not even consider you unless you can convince them that you can invest the money wisely. You will have to take some time to make a business plan. Here are a few tips on improving your chances for your loan.

The first step in this process will be to verify your credit, education, and your experience in business. Before the bank will give you a dollar they are going to make sure that you are capable of taking this money and starting and running a successful business. The next thing they will ask for is your business plan.

Your business plan will be the key to securing the money you are asking for. Do not just rush through and write something down on a piece of paper. Your plan will tell the bank just how you intend to use the funds that they loan. You want to make sure that your plan is as professional as possible.

At the start of your plan cover how much money is needed for your business. Be as accurate as possible when you write this amount down. Be assured the amount that you are asking for is enough to start your business and be prepared to give in detail what you intend to use the money for.

The next question the bank will want an answer to is where is the money going. You will have to inform the bank, in detail, what the money is going to be spent on. Banks are not in the business to take a risk so make sure that you are very detailed with every dollar that you are asking for. Whether you need new equipment, to hire employees, or pay off debts they will want to know everything.

The bank will also need to know how you are going to repay the loan you owe them. This is a part of the plan where you tell the bank how the loan will create enough profit that you will be able to pay them back. This is one of the main parts of your plan that is either going to secure or kill your chances for a loan. Be very detailed on how you are going to make a profit to pay the bank which you owe.

Your business plan will be a very important tool in securing your loan. If you need to get help from a person or business experienced in writing business plans, it will be well worth your time and money. One of the key factors the bank will look at in deciding whether not to give you a small business loan will be what is written in your plan. So take the time to make sure it is written right.

by: Jeff Jackson.

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