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subject: Am I Crazy To Start An Affiliate Marketing Business? [print this page]

Am I Crazy To Start An Affiliate Marketing Business?

Have you asked yourself lately "am I crazy to start an affiliate marketing business"? Why would anyone start affiliate marketing? There could be numerous answers to that question. Perhaps you are in a job that you hate, or you are not making enough money to do the things that you want to do, or maybe you are just fed up with working for someone else. Whatever the reason, if you have made the decision to start affiliate marketing then make sure you see it through. Just remember the saying, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going".

No, you are not crazy to start an affiliate marketing business. But the amount of success you have is going to depend on your ambition and your persevearance. When you are first starting out it can be a little overwhelming reading all of the information out there about affiliate marketing. But if you keep plugging away at it, totally dedicate your time to it, in the end it can be very rewarding.

By now you have probably read so many articles about the steps that you have to take when you first start out. When I first started, all of the articles that I read made it seem so simple. I thought, wow, I am going to make a killing at this. So I purchased a domain name, signed up for web hosting and put up a website (which took me forever as I am a computer idiot). I then started signing up for products to promote, put stuff on my website, did some ads and email marketing and waited for the money to start rolling in. Well, talk about bursting my bubble. I did not sell one product, for four months, not one product. Talk about feeling discouraged. But in actuality, that turned out to be a good thing for me because it was a wake-up call, plus it made me all that more determined to make my first sale. That is when I realized that I wanted to make this work more than anything, that this is something that I really want to do. So I started learning!

Learn, Learn and more Learning. I cannot stress that enough. The internet is an ever changing thing. What works today may not work tomorrow. That is why is it so important to find a program online that stays up-to-date with the ever changing internet. I am not talking about a program that guarantees you will make $100,000 within your first month. I am talking about you finding a program that teaches you, not just everything you need to know, but takes you step-by-step through the whole process of affiliate marketing and also gives you assignments that you must complete before you can move on.

There are many avenues in affiliate marketing and you want to find one that is going to suit you. So by learning all that you can, and yes, it will be confusing at first, eventually it will lead you to your avenue. You will find your niche, you will be able to build a website with no problem, and you will be blogging and writing articles with the best of them. Just find a program that fits your needs and spend as much time as you can on that website learning the steps. Just do not quit. If this is something that you truly, truly want to do, you have to believe in it and do not give up!

Am I Crazy To Start An Affiliate Marketing Business?

By: MJ Busch

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