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subject: Sell CDs and DVDs Online for Cash Payments and Help the Environment [print this page]

Sell CDs and DVDs Online for Cash Payments and Help the Environment

Its estimated that every household in the UK has on average 114 DVDs and CDs but only 5% of these are ever used. That means that 95% are just sat around in people's drawers and cupboards doing nothing and is very unlikely to ever be used again. When people have a clear out many of these old CDs and DVDs will be picked up and thrown straight in the bin only to end up at landfill. CDs and DVDs are made are made up of toxic plastics and will take a long time to fully break down at landfill. If they are not disposed of properly they will cause problems to the environment and end up contributing to global warming.

Not only can selling old DVDs and CDs help the environment but it can also help you get some extra money in your pocket. There are now sites available online that will allow you to sell your old CDs, DVDs and even console games for cash. All its a case of doing is locating a site which will buy your old items, type in the bar code of each CD, DVD or game you want to sell and you will be quoted a price for each one. If you are happy with the offers and want to proceed then add them to you basket and go through the checkout.

Once your unwanted CDs, DVDs and games have been received by the company they will be re-used or recycled correctly and your cash will be sent out within a couple of days by cheque, bank transfer or Paypal. Selling online is not only a great way to get rid of media that you no longer want or need but will also get you much higher prices than on the high street.

If you or your friends have piles of old CDs and DVDs knocking about then now is a great time to dig them all out and start selling them online. Its quick, easy and a great way to spring clean your house whilst you get some extra money in your pocket with very little effort.

Sell CDs and DVDs Online for Cash Payments and Help the Environment

By: Stephen Roper

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