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subject: Why You Should Have An Online Business In Today's Economy [print this page]

Why You Should Have An Online Business In Today's Economy

Many people ask 'Why should I start a business? I have a job and things are going very well for me.' In this economy, there is no such thing as job security, and looking for other sources of income is a smart idea. Plus, there has never been more opportunities to start new businesses than now, especially with the advent of the internet! People are using the internet multiple times a day to research, email, shop, play online games and connect with other people.

But did you know that there is another productive use of the internet that will enable you to generate unlimited income without quitting your day job? Online Business!

One reason why online business is lucrative even in an economy like this is because of great demand. Online shopping is growing. People these days turn to the internet first to search for things they like to buy. Sales in retail stores are slow but if you take a look at online sales, they are growing at triple rate! More and more people are now turning to the internet to shop instead of paying for gas and drive to the mall. Online buyers are a very desirable market.

With everyone finding out ways how to make more money but minimizing costs in today's economy, online business is the answer.

To begin with, internet start-ups have low overhead and start up costs. The business can be set up as a home office. New entrepreneurs can even still keep their day job and work on their online home business at nights or on weekends. You can save on rent and marketing costs. You can control and manage your own time in the convenience of your own home. You have more family time that ever before. You are your own boss! You do not have to drive all the way to your office to work. Now you can save on travel and gas expenses.

An article by Daryl H. Bryant, Founder and CEO of Hudsons Horizons lists the following benefits of having an online business:

Minimized Resources

Reduced Transaction Time

Decreased Project Lifecycle

Increased Sales

Easily Accessible Information

Increased Productivity

Increased Client Satisfaction

A great suggestion is to find a passion of yours and build a business around it. For example, I've always enjoyed collecting coins. I like the beauty, the history, and let's face it, if you're going to collect something, why not collect money? It is very easy to buy and sell coins online! But you have to know what your passion is and follow it.

Tom Bukacek is a successful real estate investor and mentor in Austin, TX. Tom also owns other home based online businesses as well. For more information about investing from Tom, please go to

by: Tom Bukacek

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