subject: Trade Maker Signal Service By John Piper Review [print this page] Overview Overview
John Pipers Trade Maker is a Signal service that come with a 30 Day Free Trial and then costs from GBP496 - GBP595 per annum after this. There is a "100% Cast Iron Guarantee" where you can cancel at any time during the "30 day 'no obligation' trial" and "no money will ever leave your account".
The service headlines with "I've got GBP14,315.90 with YOUR name on it", which is "what you'd have made if you'd followed my simple, foolproof tips during 2008". The service is "so easy to follow", "a ten year old could do it", "you just receive a simple text message and follow a few basic instructions".
We had access to this service during August and September 2009. Yes, that's right, we actually use all of the products we review. We do not simply re-print the marketing text from the vendors website nor do we cut and paste affiliation sales copy. This is a review conducted by traders with experience that have actually had first hand experience of the service, in this case over a 2 month period.
The Service
Signals are issued during 10:00 and 16:00 (UK local time) via email and SMS and are very easy to interpret. Placement is quick and simple, although there is a very important point to be made here, TIMING IS CRUCIAL. The signals are for Binary bets that are quite extended, this means they are typically at one end of their range, e.G. They are priced 6/9, 90/93 or similar. They can be fairly volatile and fluctuate fairly rapidly at these extremes.
Signals contain two price levels, For example, sell between 85 - 90. A lot of the time, by the time we received the signal and went to place our bets we seldom got the better better of the two prices, e.G. We would have to take 85 and not 90, or somewhere in the middle. Now, we are no slow coaches, one of us can usually get access to a laptop immediately at most times of the day, actually, one of us is usually lined up for these events. But, this did not seem to make much difference or be of much benefit in regard to us getting the better price.
To be fair here though, the official results published on the website are based on the worst case, in this case, worst price scenario.
Note: At times an early exit alert is issued. Again, if this is say buy back at 55-60 we found that again we were nearer the 60 than the 55 price, meaning we were worse off.
We risked 2% of our account on each trade and at the end we were down just over 10% of our (small) trading account.
Can It Work?
As we came to the end of our review, the service was no longer making +GBP1,000 a month for its members (since inception), it was more like GBP800, based on our quick sums.
To put this into context, this performance is based on an account size of GBP5,000. That is still an average return of over 15% a month over an almost 3 year period.
So, historic performance (over3 years) is excellent, the figures reported on the website are a true reflection of the (worst case entry/exit) signals issued and John Piper is not a fly by night. John has great respect on the subject of Binary betting and those that have read any of his books will acknowledge that.
If John Pipers Trade Maker can return to anywhere it's previous levels of performance, it may be worthwhile for those who are around to react (quickly) to the signals.
Do remember, your personal experiences are important, if you have any feedback in relation to this service we would love to hear it.
Trade Maker Signal Service By John Piper Review
By: Tatiana
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