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The Beneficial Aspects Of Vertical Business Cards

Have you ever heard of vertical business cards? Well, you wont find a lot of these kinds of cards in common business card templates, but they do in fact exist. Vertical business cards are basically vertically oriented business cards. Their layout is of course vertically oriented, with the length shorter than the width in technical terms. There are a few great beneficial aspects of vertical business cards that you might be interested in. We are going to list these down for you so that you can decide if you may want to try out this different kind of business cards.

Difference and distinction One of the original and probably best beneficial aspects of vertical business cards is its difference and distinction with the rest of color business cards out there. Basically they just look different than the rest. Not many people use vertically oriented designs, and in fact, I would imagine that many people dont even know it can be done. So there are only a couple of those vertical business cards in the market, because only a few people really employ them as their main business card. This makes vertical business cards very unique tools in any industry, making it a very different, distinctive and of course memorable business card type indeed.

Fresh new layout options One great thing about vertical business cards that I like is that you can use fresh new layout options. With a vertical layout, you can explore new types of designs that will be uniquely different from other more traditional business cards. You can use vertically oriented images better, and you can be totally creative with the positioning and formatting of business card content. There should be a wide range of new ideas that you can apply, making the design of vertical business cards really interesting, challenging and even entertaining at times. So if you want a fresh new start with your custom business card designs, you might want to check out the vertical business card template.

Better chance of getting read Now, since vertical business cards are indeed different, the usual effect of this would be a better chance of getting those business cards read. People like to see and analyze new and unusual stuff. This applies to new style business cards, especially vertical business cards. Wont you want to read everything in a new vertical business card once you get it? Youll want to know what kind of person prints vertical business cards and its significance right? That is why it is quite beneficial to try out vertical business cards if you are adventurous.

The same price as traditional business cards Finally, one of the best aspects of vertical business cards is that it is virtually the same price as traditional business card printing. There SHOULD BE NO extra customization charges when you print these kinds of business cards. They are still made up of the same paper materials, inks and designs. So basically there is little financial cost in trying them out. Anyone who can print their own business cards can try it just to see if it works. That is why you can try it out for yourself as well.

Great! So why dont you try out some vertical business cards? There are plenty of benefits to gain in trying these out, and there is little risk really. Ask your business card printer about vertical business card printing today! Youll see it is easy to do and easy to try out. Good Luck!

by: charen smith

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