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The Role Of A Business Analyst

More and more companies are benefiting from business analysis which aims to identify a company's business needs, in addition to the solutions for any business problems. The person who carries out the task is a business analyst and they aim to help their clients become more efficient and profitable by using the latest technology.

Business analysts work alongside the client's management team reviewing the businesses structure, issues with IT and budget. They interpret exactly what is involved in order to meet the client's requirements and tell them how likely it is that they will be met, in terms of time, effort and cost.

Business analysts generally work in an office environment although site visits are sometimes required to gather information and to meet with company employees. The analysts are employed across all sectors including retail, finance, and transport as well in local government and the health sector.

To be successful in the role of a business analyst you must possess a variety of skills. These include, communication and interviewing skills as well as an understanding of the business model and processes. Project management skills, technical skills, problem solving and structured analysis skills are also required.

Business analysts are usually educated to degree level, but they may also have a BTEC National Diploma in computing, IT or a business related subject. Other qualifications accepted for the role are Higher National Diplomas or foundation degrees in subjects such as IT, computing, accounting, business systems and software engineering.

Many private sector suppliers offer training and IT qualifications, but Diplomas in business administration and finance technology are also relevant for this area of work.

After working in the industry, business analysts may consider careers in teaching, lecturing or training. Others choose to be self employed working as contractors.

by: casewise1

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