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subject: Short Term Loans No Credit-check : Fast Cash To Meet Ends [print this page]

Short Term Loans No Credit-check : Fast Cash To Meet Ends

When requirement of cash is so urgent that you should have it in hands in the same day, then your bad credit history may become a huge impediment in the way of borrowing of a loan. But that is not the case with short-term loans no credit check

. This is because the lenders do not enquire about your past mistakes of payments and allow you to borrow in the same day.

Employed people who draw monthly or bi-weekly paycheque for past at least six months and have a valid bank checking account are eligible to borrow cash under these loans. The applicants should be adult of at least 18 years of age.

Short-term loans no credit check are also known as payday loans and cash advance loans and by varied other names. These are easier loans for people having multiple cases of late payments, defaults, CCJs and arrears in their names. You will not be put under any credit checks and your credit report also will not be pulled up.

These loans are smaller unsecured personal loans that range from 100 to 1500, approved for two weeks, until your next payday. A post-dated cheque may be taken from you to sort of cover for the risk. You can take the cheque back from the lender on the due date by repaying the loan in cash.

Short-term loans no credit check are useful for emergency purposes like timely getting rid of electricity bills, credit card bills, purchasing of medicine, repairing of a car for next day going to the office and family urgencies.

But these are expensive loans due to very high APR on smaller cash for two weeks. You will also be paying the penalties and enhanced rates if you expand the loan for a few more weeks.

So, opt for short-term loans no credit checks only for urgency and repay the loan the due date. It is advisable to first find out competitive offers of the loans having affordable rates.

by: Ashley P

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