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Business Christmas Cards: How to Thank Your Customers

Sending out a business Christmas card is a very nice gesture, because you will want to thank those who you work with or those who have helped your business succeed. There are also ways to send out other items which cost the same such as inexpensive educational booklets or small gifts to let your customers and clients know that you are thinking about them. Just because you haven't seen a customer for a while doesn't mean they've disappeared. They may be busy or just trying to save money right now. An appreciative gift can go a long way.

Businesses can buy cards and other items in bulk. It is nice to personalize each one however. Even putting a sticky on top with a quick note is a nice way to let each person know they are on your mind.

When the holiday time of the year rolls around, you will want to be prepared. Buying your business Christmas cards early is a good idea because you will be able to stay on top of the issue and be ready when it comes time to send them out. You will want to think about how many people you will be sending to so you can know how much to order in the first place. This is true for any type of planning.

For years corporate Christmas cards have been quite popular. Some businesses will send gift cards to clients they have done a lot of business with during the year as a special thanks. It's highly recommended that you send out your cards a week or so be before the actual holiday, because mail service tends to slow down around this time. Booklets can often fit in a regular envelope and can be a nice way to send something that people will hold and keep. Unfortunately, cards are thrown out after a short period of time. Booklets can be kept in a purse or passed around to others.

Sending a business Christmas card will say that you care about the people who contribute to your success and work with you on a regular basis. Part of keeping your valuable business contacts is letting them know that you care about them. One way of doing that is sending something thoughtful over the holidays. An increasing number of websites are starting to carry these, so you shouldn't have any problems finding them whatsoever. Make sure to take your time when trying to decide which ones to get. You might even want to think about the specific person you are buying for and what is appropriate. Personalizing is something that everyone finds to be a nice touch. Don't add much of a sales pitch. If you want to include a brochure or coupon that is fine but don't do a hard sell. It is the holidays.

Business Christmas Cards: How to Thank Your Customers

By: Jill Cohen

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