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subject: Why Your Business Must Have Customized Twitter Backgrounds [print this page]

Why Your Business Must Have Customized Twitter Backgrounds

Twitter is a micro blogging forum that is continuously attaining more and more users on a rapid pace. You could grab your audience of your niche and make them engaged in your products and services. But here on twitter, you have one place where you could be effectively visible. When I say effectively visible, it refers to your social media graphical image. And, Profile page is the only place on Twitter where you could display the visual image of your business that basically will capture their interest in a first glance and communicate your business objectives in a very persuasive manner ultimately. If you are still confused about the power of graphical image, you can search it on Google and kindly don"t mind if you find thousands of articles and other pieces on the said subject. Yes, it is that significant and people do talk about social media presence via graphical representation.

Now Twitter backgrounds are something you should not neglect about. You have to have customized twitter backgrounds, text and link colors that may compliment your business objectives and mission. Not every design can go with your business; it has to be unique and copyrighted twitter background. Through which you will be identified and it will be your exclusive identity.

How Twitter backgrounds help you gaining recognition and personify your brand.


Marketing on Twitter is a way to establish brand image and branding is all about personality you give your business to. Crucial as logo design, Twitter backgrounds also play a vital role. On twitter, you have to set your different image that will make you stand out in the jam-packed Twitter.


Graphical representation is more influencing and your copyrighted unique twitter background will be memorized and later recognized by Tweeples which is so necessary.


Having customized Twitter backgrounds is becoming an international standard and professional companies are having personalized and customized twitter backgrounds on their profile pages. So if you too have it, it will make you recognized as professional. Mark it.


As personification is related to the fact how you dress up, how you talk, how you walk, which social circle you live in and things like that. Similarly on Twitter, you will personify your brand by your content but first thing that will create an impression is your Twitter background.

by: inkatechnology

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