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subject: Help The Invisalign Dentist To Help You Better [print this page]

Dental patients visit an Invisalign dentist to have their teeth straightened. But you need to help the dentist to help you better. The final results of an Invisalign treatment depend not only on the skills and professional acumen of the dentist, but also on you, the patient. In this article, I will be giving you a brief overview of the Invisalign treatment and share a few tips so that you can get the best results out of the treatment.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is one of the most viable options to straighten up your smile. You can get the benefits of braces without the outside world knowing it, and you also need not feel the encumbrance from metallic pieces in your mouth. Invisalign is considered to be a revolution in cosmetic dentistry. It is the newest product from Align Technology. Under the Invisalign treatment methodology, custom-fitted aligners are fitted toyour teeth. These aligners are created by simulating the structure of your teeth in a three-dimensional computer. The aligners work slowly, yet steadily. Your teeth are put to shape within 9 to 15 months. Invisalign is almost invisible and therefore is a great boon to people who want to avoid metal braces. However, as already stated, success of the treatment depends jointly on the dentist and the patient. The patient needs to take care of the following things in order to experience the best results.

Have Patience

You have to have patience while going for Invisalign treatment. Often people run out of patience. Your dentist will take time to bring back a flawless smile on your face. Just hold patience and Invisalign will not betray you.

Use Retainers Diligently

In some cases, your Invisalign dentist might advise you to use retainer after the treatment. Mostly, these retainers are used only during night. The purpose of retainers is to keep your teeth in shape. Failure to wear them will hinder the straightening of your teeth.

Follow a Proper Hygiene Regimen

One of the most important things that you need to ensure is to brush your teeth on a regular basis. While you have Invisalign covering your teeth, you need to be extra cautious and extra diligent in teeth cleansing. For cleaning the Invisalign alignment trays, you need to use specific dental cleansing product as advised by your dentist. For your natural teeth, you can use regular toothpaste. In case you fail to clean your teeth and the Invisalign alignment trays, complications develop. Plaque will build up on your teeth. This will make the Invisalign material opaque and visible. The basic purpose of going for the Invisalign treatment will be defeated.

Your cosmetic dentist will also advise you to remove the alignment trays only during eating or drinking. This prevents staining.

Always Wear the Aligners

Your Invisalign dentist will usually recommend to you to wear the alignment trays for about twenty hours each day. If you can devote that much time each day, the teeth straightening process will take shorter time. You are permitted to remove the alignment trays only during eating and drinking; otherwise the straightening process will be inhibited.

by: Danielle Saige

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