subject: Requirements Of Payday Loans [print this page] It's a great question that a lot of people are asking these days. Over the years payday loans have become extremely popular thanks to the ways of the world. If you're in the middle of a stressful money situation and don't know where to turn we recommend considering a payday loan. There are plenty of them all across North America.
Getting a payday loan is very easy to do if you have the appropriate knowledge and tools to make it happen. Keep in mind they do not give you a credit check, but rather go through a series of questions. One of the first things you will be asked is the amount of money you make each week and when your next paycheck will be.
The first requirement is proof of income. This can be in the form of your pay stubs or even your paychecks. In most cases you will need to make more than a certain amount as this will ensure that you have the capability to pay of the loan, and pay it off on time.
The minimum is usually around $300 per week, even though some places will accept less. Unfortunately if you hit this mark or make less then you will only be eligible to receive around $100. Probably the biggest problem here is that most loan companies won't let you borrow such a small amount. This is why you should always check before taking the time to apply.
Another thing to consider is even though you don't go through a credit check you still have to provide information. Everything from your name, social security number, two forms of ID and a few references will be necessary.
The identification will likely be your social security card and your drivers license. If you have any other form you might be able to use it, but these are the two we recommend you have. Once you show these and answer a few basic questions, you should be well on your way to receiving your payday loan.
Once you are verified, you will need to set up a repayment schedule. You will probably be asked to pay back on the next payday, but some people are paid bi-weekly instead of weekly. In any case, you will need to tell them your payment schedule, and in some cases they may have to verify this with your employer. Once they do you will most likely be given your loan and sent on your way. As long as you remember to pay the loan back, you will have at least a portion of your next payday check to take care of your affairs.
by: Socrates De Souza.
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