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Back-office Processing Services Induce Growth In Organization

Back-office processing services are referred to as contracting specific functions or tasks to third-party service-provider. Specific functions are outsourced in lieu of cost-saving measure. These services are always indispensable for the Company, but outsourced due to some or the other limitations.

Internal business services like pay-roll, human-resources, billing or purchase, etc are included in back-office processing services. These services are not only contracted to some other Companies but also to some other Companies outside the country. For example Companies in USA outsource their back-office services to BPO Companies in India. Such services are easily outsourced and easily provided by the Companies, respectively.

Advantages of back-office processing services:

Enhanced time: When third party Company performs some activities for a Company, then that Company executives have greater time for their core business activity. A core business activity should never be neglected at any cost. When the executives give proper time for their core business then the business flourishes faster than expected.

Enhanced profits: Off-shore outsourcing improves upon the services and enables better working. Since the employers and employees give more time on their core-competency, they earn more profits. People also save on cost by outsourcing back-office processing services.

Cost-effective measure: Offshore outsourcing involves same efficiency services at much lower cost. The cost is attributed to low-cost manpower. There is vast difference in cost in servicing from USA and India, although the services provided are at the same level.

Reduced Cost: Back-office processing services are outsourced at much lower rate. Cost is reduced due to lower manpower cost of producing same services.

Back office processing services are indispensable for any organization. These services are offered at better cost and better delivery from the off-shore Companies. It is because of increased services that more Companies are availing back-office processing services from country like India.

Their executives and staff are highly trained to deliver all services at best. This is the reason that Call Centers India are getting so popular all over the world.

by: Jack Morkel

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