subject: How To: Generate Mlm Leads Online [print this page] And it's for one undeniable reason: There is NOTHING that can compared to a fresh, highly qualified lead, someone who knows about your business, is ready to get started and wants to work with YOU.
Most people are overwhelmed with the concept of generating their own leads, but it's awfully simple. Here's a simple system that you can follow to help you start creating fresh hot leads as soon as possible.
1. Design or Create a Lead Capture Page
You will want to get something basic to start. There are many programs out there that have pre-made campaigns where you won't even have to know a LICK of HTML. This is where I would recommend beginning.
Customize and refine your lead capture page to maximize conversion. Conversion is the percentage of people that click/land on your page, to those who actually "opt-in" by giving their name/email to receive more info.
2. Drive Traffic to Your Lead Capture Page
Once you have the page in place, you can begin the fun part of marketing yourself online. And I've written countless articles on how to do this. Social media, pay-per-click, video marketing, forum marketing etcetera.
This will create a marketing funnel and there is NO END to the possibilities of growth you will experience in your MLM business. Imagine creating this simple system and having your whole organization doing the same thing.
Your team won't run out of prospects, because they know how to create more contacts with the click of a mouse.
Technology has really changed the way we think about generating MLM leads and building an MLM business. Millions upon millions of people are out there - it's just your job to get your message delivered directly to them.
That's your recipe for success!
by: Rachel Jackson
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