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Business To Business Opportunities Using Social Media

While Social Media is geared towards B2C marketing, the malleability of the medium itself leaves everything open to interpretation. So if we take a B2B business, and use an abstract method of marketing via Social, the results are equally as incredible.

The majority of business marketing on Social Media is mainly to establish a few things:

* Reputation

* Presence

* Credibility

No business, B2C or B2B is capable of direct sales to users of convergent media a complete commercial suicide so by utlising core business responsibilities whilst online, we can tap into the viral magic that Social Media brings.

1. Make Them Believe Youre The Man

Blogs and Twitter accounts for c0nsumer-oriented brands go off like wildfire, but if you business does not tap into the mass consumers of the web, dont expect your followers or subscribers to number in the millions.

Instead, concentrate on the end result of your product or service concentrate on how the implementation of your product or service impacts on these consumers, even if its indirectly. Talk about your industry, demonstrate your knowledge and even post a few case studies here and there.

Insightful blogs will ALWAYS generate a following/readership at the end of the day, your credibility online can translate into general knowledge for businesses you end up dealing with, and in turn, might just win you that contract over your competitors.

2. Who Are My Customers?

Yes, Social is the way in which we communicate but all that data can surely be used for something right?

Right. Research. All this free data means its easy for you to find our where your customers are, what theyre saying and what their spending habits are.

Who are my customers? Why, theyre the customers of the business youre selling your product or service to!

You see, by targeting the end consumer, youre instantly going in from two angles meaning demand for your B2B product or service could be generated by the customers of the clients who you sell to.

Also, watching industry trends closely could open up your business prospects on to a new playing field.

3. Find Your Competitors, and Beat Them To the Punch Line

You might be lucky your competitors have little/no/negative presence but that does not mean theyre not a threat.

If youre competing with other B2B businesses for that contract, it always helps if you have a large, connected network because you never know whether they are an influencer to the very decisions that your prospect makes.

Try looking for your way in via Linked In and Twitter first, before utilising other methods.

4. Apply, Listen, Revise

At the end of the day, youre only going to secure that B2B deal if the prospect feels youre sharper, more knowledgeable and better prepared. This all comes from constant immersion into the very industry youre a part of:

* Subscribe to Blogs

* Network with Experts on Linked In

* Follow influencers of your industry on Twitter

* Find passionate commenters and introduce them to your own Blog

* Make it easy for anyone to find you (be on the top of Google)

* Have fun, take yourself less seriously, and keep an open mind

If your B2B business would like to tap into immense potential of the Social movement, then you need Social Media Campaign and a Social Media Expert -

by: Oscar Lock

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