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subject: How To Use A Free Workshop To Grow Your Business Part 1 Of 4 [print this page]

How To Use A Free Workshop To Grow Your Business Part 1 Of 4

If you're looking for free of low-cost ways to grow your business, there are countless reasons to choose free workshops as a business builder. Read on to learn a few simple strategies designed to maximize your time and efforts in order to make your workshop as fruitful as possible.

Besides the fact that free workshops typically cost you nothing but your time, there are many other advantages to using this tactic as a business building tool. For starters, it offers extremely targeted marketing - after all, people aren't likely to show up for a retirement planning seminar unless they are interested in (or concerned about) this issue.

Additionally, hosting a workshop or lecture automatically establishes you as an expert in your field, and you have the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and experience in a way that isn't boastful or obnoxious. Finally, in a workshop kind of environment, you can build a rapport with an audience, answer their most pressing questions, and give examples of how you could solve their problems. In other words, a successful free workshop helps you sell yourself without feeling "salesy" at all!

Look for Local Opportunities

Where can you host a local workshop? Once you start looking, you'll see that the possibilities are virtually endless. Many local communities and civic organizations (such as the Rotary Club) bring in unpaid speakers to present on a variety of topics, and at the end of your presentation, you can pass out literature or business cards, speak with people to book appointments or close them, or otherwise promote your products or services.

Additionally, if your city or town has a Chamber of Commerce (even the smallest towns usually do), you can ask for a schedule of events and see what kind of presentations are offered, and whether or not your area of expertise offers a match. You may not have to join the local Chamber to present (although it may make sense for you to join, depending on the cost and the potential networking opportunities).

Remember to check with your local library and SBA (Small Business Association) to find opportunities where you can speak and offer a free educational presentation or workshop.

Go Virtual

Depending on the nature of your business, you may be able to host a virtual workshop either by phone (teleclass) or via web (webinar). To determine whether or not this kind of format would be a match for your business, think about the kind of content you would deliver and whether or not it is easy to demonstrate or describe by phone or via computer screen demo. Additionally, consider whether you are equipped to receive orders and sales from across the globe. Setting up a virtual webinar is easy and there are many low-cost tools to help you facilitate the event. Plus, it allows you to reach out to a much broader audience of potential clients, as opposed to hosting an in-person workshop in your local area.

Once you've found a place to host your free workshop, the next step involves choosing content to present. Join us in the next installment for tips on how to increase attendance and gain more qualified, interested leads by giving people exactly what they want.

by: Andy Grant

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