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How To Trade Gift Cards For Cash

Gift cards make good gifts, especially if you do not know what to get a person. Once you have received gift cards, you can exchange the gift cards for cash if you are not particularly interested in the gift. One place you can do this is through Plastic Jungle. At Plastic Jungle, you will get convenient, innovative and safe way to exchange the gift cards. Some of the benefits of exchanging your gift cards for cash at Plastic Jungle are that the gift cards will be replaced if they are damaged or lost, you get free shipping, you can buy discounted gift cards, and transactions are guaranteed.

You can trade gift cards for cash by buying discounted gift cards and selling them later on at Plastic Jungle or to your friends. Plastic Jungle provides discounts of up to 30% off in some of the cards, although this is usually less for popular cards. This means you will end up spending less at the shop if you choose to use the cards yourself. Examples of gift cards that you can buy today include Gap, Banana Republic, Old Navy, K-Mart, Macys, Sears, and William Sonoma.

To trade gift cards for cash, make sure you follow the directions at the back of the gift card. This way, you will be able to verify with the shop the balance. This will help prevent cases of getting gift cards with balances that are less that what is listed when you first bought the card. At Plastic Jungle, you can contact Customer Service before the end of one week and everything will be cleared out. When trading gift cards for cash at Plastic Jungle, you will be protected even if the shop confirms that the gift card was invalid when you presented it. All you have to do is to report to Customer Care and you will get a refund of the full amount paid for the gift card.

If you want to trade gift cards for cash at Plastic Jungle, you should familiarize yourself with the eligibility criteria. Eligible cards are only those that have a balance of more than $25 and retailers have the right to refuse or accept them.

Plastic Jungle is a credible and reliable place to exchange gift cards for cash. Be aware of other sites that promise more than they can deliver and others that are involved in fraudulent activities.

by: Ann Smithson

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