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The Advantages Of Blogging For B2b Businesses

If your business sells or services other businesses, in other words, if you're in B2B, you might have discounted blogging, thinking it's mostly for consumer or retail business. But there are actually several great advantages of business to business blogging. Using a blog to promote your business is an excellent way to drum up attention for you services, move yourself up in the search engines, and keep customer interest high. These are just some of the many advantages of blogging. Here are some more to consider:

Inexpensive Setup

If you're not worried about getting too fancy or tricked-out, setting up a blog can be extremely inexpensive. You can even register your own domain name for around $10 a year. This is an affordable way to creatively advertise your business to a global market. If you are able to keep up with the blogging yourself then, the only fees you'll have our domain name registration, monthly hosting, and custom blog design

If you're like most business owners, then you're extremely busy, and you might have been hesitant to get started with a blog for fear that you wouldn't be able to maintain it. But don't let this stop you. Believe it or not, there are actually professional freelance bloggers who would be willing and able to contribute posts to your blog on a regular basis.

Easy to Write

Blog styles vary as much as bloggers, but for the most part, customers like to read personal style blogs. As long as it relates to your business and keeps your prospects interested you can pretty much write about whatever you would like in your business blog. Simply keep your target audience in mind and adjust your blog posts and style accordingly. The great thing about writing blog posts is that there are almost no rules, so what ever works for you and your audience is perfectly acceptable.

For business to business blogging, it's best to blog about industry related, professional topics. This can include company news stories, stories that are related to your product, industry statistics and newsletter type information. Remember, the more people who read and subscribe to your blog, the more successful it will be, so choose topics that will keep your prospects interested.

Easy to Update

One of the most important aspects of running a business to business blog is keeping it fresh and active. Your prospects and readers will quickly lose interest in your blog if it isn't consistent. Try to post at least once a week, but several times a week or daily would be better.

Consistently updating your blog is one of the most important steps to keeping readers interested and keeping your blog on the top of search engines. Blogs that are not updated frequently quickly disappear from the search engines results pages - and from your prospects' memories. It is often hard to regain readers who have left due to boredom. So do yourself and your business a favor and don't let this happen. Fortunately, today's blogging platforms are so easy to use and maintain, keeping it updated will be almost effortless.

Attracting Commentary

One of the greatest advantages of your business blog is the open communication you'll be creating with your clients and prospects. You'll want to provide access for comments to everyone who reads your blog. This will allow your audience to interact with you and with each other.

Though it's important to always remain in charge and professional you also want to be friendly and exercise good customer service skills. This is done by allowing comments from whoever sees fit to comment on the information you provide. If an abusive note shows up you can always delete it, if need be. Another benefit of this open commenting is that it shows the popularity of your blog. This not only lets you know you are doing good, but it shows your prospects that others are extremely interested in your business. It can also help boost your search engine ranking dramatically.

Keep it Clean

To maintain the branding and expert image of your B2B blog, you'll most likely want to have your blog template professionally designed. However, if you decide to use a free template, make sure your blog appears professional and neat. Make sure that the font and color scheme is appealing and easy to read. Keep ads unobtrusive, should you choose to include them. This will make your blog seem more trustworthy and will present your business as the authority in your field.

A regularly updated and well maintained business to business blog is a great way to advertise your products or services. When done correctly a blog will drum up a great deal of business and keep regular customers interested in your brand. Furthermore, blogging is easy and inexpensive. A blog is something that all businesses should ad to their marketing arsenals.

by: Karen Scharf

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