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Summer Birthstone Buying Guide

Author: Matt Dimler
Summer Birthstone Buying Guide

Author: Matt Dimler

Summer is here, which means sun, vacations, and longer days. Its also time to buy gifts for those friends and family who have birthdays in the summertime. But you are not relishing the thought of giving up your sun worshipping or vacationing time to trek to a mall and dodge gaggles of kids in search of that perfect gift. One of the more popular ideas for summer birthdays is a piece of jewelry with the recipients birthstone in it. Its a stylish, fun, and appropriate present plus, you can stay home and shop online if you wish. The concept of birthstones has a rich and interesting history. Their origin lies with astrologers who came up with various gems and stones to represent the signs of the Zodiac. There are even references to birthstones in the Bible; the breastplate of Aaron, the brother of Moses, was supposedly encrusted with twelve stones that are believed to be the original birthstones. The birthstones themselves were singled out by astrologers for having various powers. Some were believed to heal ailments, while others were worn for protection or for good luck. The stones power was thought to have been derived from their luminous color. In more recent times, birthstones were more often linked to certain calendar months rather than astrological signs. Here are the birthstones that are represented by summer months: June: Pearl Other than diamonds, these stones are the most recognized among the twelve birthstones. In fact, the pearl is the worlds oldest known gem, and has come to symbolize innocence, purity, and unblemished perfection. Its name comes from the Latin word for unique, which is appropriate because no two pearls are alike. These stones are found in saltwater and freshwater areas all around the world. Because of their resemblance to the moon, many cultures believed that pearls held mystic powers. As a result, pearls were often used to denote status, wealth, and influence. July: Ruby The red color of these stones makes them among the most recognizable on the planet. Not surprisingly, rubies are most often associated with love and passion which makes them extremely popular in engagement rings. They are durable and nearly unbreakable, and are found in many different shades of red. Low-carat rubies are relatively common, but flawless stones above three or four carats are much rarer and thus far more expensive. Rubies are mentioned specifically in the Bible (in the 31st chapter of Proverbs), while Aryuvedic traditions believed that the stones could help thwart miscarriages, bolster the heart, and maintain balance in spiritual relationships. August: Peridot Though often confused with emeralds, these green gemstones are actually a combination of two different minerals: forsterite and fayalite. Peridots are mined in various places around the world, including Mexico, the United States, Myanmar, the Red Sea, and Egypt. But the most valuable peridots are currently being found in Pakistan. These stones are generally softer and less expensive than other birthstones. Legend has it that peridots were able to ward off evil sprits, diminish nightmares, and bring about peace or good luck. Hawaiians refer to peridots as Peles tears. September: Sapphire This brilliant blue gemstone grows in hard clusters in Africa, South America, Asia, and Australia. After being mined, sapphires are turned over to a cutter, who shapes them and brings out their optimal reflectivity and brightness. They are second only to diamonds in their hardness, which makes them sturdy and virtually indestructible. The sapphire has been known to represent love, loyalty, permanence, and trust making them a top choice for romantics. According to legend, sapphires could reduce arthritis and other swelling of the joints and muscles, decrease mental illness, and lessen abdominal discomfort. They have also been associated with clairvoyance, telepathy, and telekinesis. Fortunately, these birthstones can be found in many different price ranges depending on the setting and type of jewelry. All of these stones can be mounted onto a ring, bracelet, or necklace, either singly or in combination with other stones. The first step in the jewelry-buying process is to find a reputable jewelry dealer. Dont just pick one out of an online directory; try to get referrals and recommendations from family, friends and colleagues. You must also be aware of the three classifications of birthstones from least to most valuable: Synthetic crafted in a laboratory Natural closest to its original state Genuine comes with all the chemical properties associated with the gem This scale will help you select the type of birthstone you want at the appropriate price. You should never pay genuine gem price for a synthetic stone, and should also beware of unscrupulous sellers hawking imitation gems as the real thing. Also, it is usually best to steer clear of treated birthstones, or ones that have been altered in an effort to artificially boost their quality. Again, this process is frequently used by dealers with questionable moral integrity. Shopping around, finding an upstanding jewelry vendor, and using common sense will help you pick out the perfect summer birthstone gift to suit your budget. This is turn will give you more time to take pleasure in your own summer plans.About the Author:

Matt Dimler is a freelance writer who writes about clothing, jewelry and birthstones.

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