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subject: Will Shredding Documents Help Reduce Our Corporate Liability? [print this page]

Will Shredding Documents Help Reduce Our Corporate Liability?

When you're trying to run a large corporation, you have many responsibilities that have to be looked after simultaneously in order to ensure that the business can continue to survive. One of the elements of that sort of comprehensive management is always making sure that there is as little corporate liability as possible. Many companies in the Philly area wonder if they can use a records management Philadelphia company to help them manage and limit their corporate liability using strategies like document shredding when appropriate.

Corporate liability is certainly something which every company needs to be aware of. Using a document destruction company to help reduce this risk is a viable strategy. When a company gathers private information for any reason, which might belong to employees or to customers, they could be held liable if that information was used for any purpose other than that for which it was originally provided. Preventing that is why a document destruction policy can be useful.

There are many types of information which a company might gather that they are going to be responsible for destroying. Most of the times when a customer completes a transaction with a company, they are going to provide some sort of information which the company will be obligated to protect. Also, the hiring practices of most companies these days include doing things like credit checks and criminal records checks. If this is the case, all of that information needs to be destroyed in order to reduce the amount of potential liability present at the company.

When you're trying to reduce corporate liability, using an onsite courier company is probably the best option because of the control it gives you over the document destruction. The number on reason this is so important is because it allows you to make sure that anyone handling the documents signs a confidentiality agreement, ensuring that information that is seen even in passing while working with the paperwork is not leaked in any way.

The other advantage of hiring a professional company to destroy your documents is that you know a much better job will be done of the destruction. Corporations have been found liable for various problems in the past based on paperwork which was shredded with the regular weak desktop shredders and then reassembled. This would never happen with paperwork which a professional company has destroyed, as they also look after disposing of the remaining shredded pages.

by: Paul Atkins

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