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subject: 6 Tips To Save Your Skin & Keep It Healthy! [print this page]

Skin care doesn't need to be expensive nor does it need to be complex. All it requires to keep your skin healthy and flawless is an efficient skin care regimen that fits the needs of your skin. Here are some simple tips that will help you care for your skin in a simple yet effective manner.

Use the Extra Amount

While using skin care products like moisturizers and sunscreens on your face, don't just wipe off the excess product on a towel or tissue, rather rub it on your neck, chest and hands. In fact, you can do the same thing with your anti-aging products. This will ensure efficient skin care for your hands and other areas of the body.

Care for the Neck and Dcolletage Areas

Just as much as you care for the skin on your face, you tend to neglect the skin on your body. The skin on your neck and Dcolletage areas is thin and requires effective care as well. Therefore, make sure you use a body scrub to exfoliate the skin and extend the use of moisturizers to these areas as well. Try using the Skin Care Heaven DNA Repair Serum. It delivers repair enzymes and protective antioxidants to moisturize the skin while at the same time assisting in the repair the recovery process of the skin. The Skin Care Heaven DNA Repair Serum actually recognizes DNA Damage and begins the repair process. This is the updated replacement for Remergent DNA Repair.

Exercise Well!

Exercise not only boosts circulation inside the body but also keeps the oxygen and nutrients flowing in the skin as a result of which the skin remains fresh and radiant. Therefore, makes sure you have a steady exercise regimen.

Cut down on Smoke & Binge

Nicotine and alcohol are two of the most dangerous components for the skin. They seep out all the moisture from the skin and leave it dry and lifeless. Smoking constricts the capillaries, depriving the skin of much-needed oxygen. Excessive alcohol intake can cause the skin to become dry and lead to a dull complexion. Therefore, cut down on your smoking and binge drinking habits.

Moisturize after Washing your Hands

Dry indoor air and cold weather can make the skin dry. Frequent washing of your hands can seep out all the moisture and leave your hands even drier. Therefore, don't forget to moisturize your hands every time you wash them. You can also try using the Kinerase Ultimate Night Moisturizer at night. It is an overnight (8 hour) scientifically proven moisturizer that helps to control anti-aging with Kinetin. Kinetin is a hydrating plant based molecule that helps retain moisture found in many Kinerase products. It is a supercharged dose of moisturizer while you sleep. Wake up with younger looking hydrated skin! It also improves tone and texture!

Use Vitamin C enriched Skin Care Products

Vitamin C is a very powerful skin care ingredients that soothe the skin and prevents damage caused by the free radicals. One of the common forms of Vitamin C contained in skin care products is L-ascorbic acid. It is readily absorbed by the skin cells and delivers effective results.

by: Naomi Andrews

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