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Mlm Business - Straight Answers To Network Marketing Questions

Recently I was interviewed by a well known MLM success coach and internet entrepreneur. Many of the questions he asked are what many MLM business owners may be asking, for example, what is the biggest challenge in network marketing and how do you overcome it? What action steps can be taken to build a successful MLM business? What are some important tips for network marketing newbies? So I thought I would address these questions in this article.

What do you think the biggest challenge is in network marketing and can you provide any tips to overcome it?

We've found the biggest challenge, and many MLM business owners we speak to also share this struggle, is finding prospects who want your product or service.

To have prospects chasing you is really quite simple using the internet. To do this you need to learn to become proficient with 2 important concepts:

1. using the written word

2. driving targeted visitors to a website

These two go hand-in-hand because if your message isn't speaking to your visitors and resolving their problem(s), you can have all the traffic you want but you're still not going to generate any leads.

A lot of "Gurus" in our industry promote marketing techniques but don't divulge HOW to execute them. What action steps can one take to build a successful MLM business?

Too often when people join network marketing they're told to write down their dream and goals. But they aren't taught the step-by-step process to implement those goals and realize the dream. How many people want to make a million dollars a year? At present they might be on $30-$40K a year. That's a huge jump and nobody shows them the steps to get there. In most cases just talking to your warm market isn't going to make it. They need a marketing blueprint and that's what we can offer.

There are 3 important steps we advocate to build a successful MLM business:

1. Position yourself as the expert in your industry. Know and understand your audience and who your ideal target market is. What are their wants, needs and desires? What will motivate them to get involved in your MLM business?

2. Use techniques that will enable you to get exposure of your MLM products and services to the masses.

3. Master the internet. This tool is explosive. But just like any tool in your garage you need to know how to use it properly. Having a website just isn't enough. You need to know what to have on it, where to put what and how to tap into the mind of your prospect.

What are your top 3 newbies tips for network marketing?

If you have just started in network marketing, to avoid being one of the 95% who fail, you need to implement functional systems and create a foundation to build a successful MLM business. To do this you need to:

1. Develop skill sets. There are actually 5 skill sets needed, 3 of them I have mentioned above. The other two I talk about in our Free Report which you can access by clicking on the link at the bottom of this article.

2. Have prospects approach you, not the other way around. Don't waste your time and money chasing people who aren't interested in your MLM products and services

3. Using a script is paramount for having consistent results in your marketing efforts

If you want answers to your questions and practical steps to dramatically improve the growth of your MLM business then click on the link below.

by: Richard Webster

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