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Floor Scale Speeds Up Business Operations

A floor scale is a weighing machine, which is specially designed to measure heavy loads that cannot be lifted manually to some height where a weighing scale is placed, like a bench scale or a laboratory scale. The floor scale finds its use in manufacturing, trading and commercial establishments where medium to very heavy loads are measured in bulk on a daily basis.

The weighing operations occupy an important part in the daily process of such facilities and since time is of an essence, it is necessary to speed up the weighing operation. The priority is to reduce loading, weighing and unloading time that goes into the weight measurement of the object. For this purpose the floor scale has a very low base design and robust construction. These features allow for quick placement and measurement of heavy loads in minimal time. In process, it saves precious man hours spent towards the weighing operations. The result is increase in the productivity of the firm.

To speed up measurement of products manufactured, handled and transported in bulk the wooden or plastic pallets are used. The product in bulk quantity is placed on the pallet. The pallet is lifted off the ground by a fork lift and placed on the platform of the digital floor scale. Once, the combined weight of the pallet and the goods is displayed, they are quickly unloaded. The true weight of the goods is known after the weight of pallet, which is known to the operator, is deducted from the combined weight. Thus the weighing operation is completed in a very short time without compromising the accuracy.

The pallet jack scale or pallet truck scale is another type of weighing scale that further speeds up the weight measurement. It is basically a floor scale on wheels with an inbuilt electronic display unit. There are two types of pallet jack scale, one, which can be moved around manually and the other on, which is driven around by an operator and powered by battery. In large warehouses where goods are loaded, weighed, transferred and stacked in proper places the pallet jack scale play a crucial role. It drastically cuts the handling time by accurately weighing the object as it is moved around the facility. In the end one can rightly say that the floor scale speeds up business operations and increases the productivity. You can know more at

by: Lawrence Denisson

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