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Loan Agents Penalized Pertaining To Mis-Sold Payment Protection Insurance

If you live in the united kingdom as well as have applied for a loan, home loan or even a credit card during the last 6 or so years, you have almost certainly been mis sold payment protection insurance. It has been confirmed that numerous big banking institutions have already been found to apply questionable practices in order to encourage the consumer they must buy PPI. These employees generated an excessive commission for every sale thus mis-selling with out considering what was in the best interest of the borrower.

This article list the top four fined finance institutions with regards to non-compliance for their product sales of PPI to borrowers.

Alliance & Leicester have been fined 7 million by the FSA. Had you been sold PPI in 2003 to 2007 by Alliance & Leicester the odds are that you really were one of many victims of mis-sold insurance. It has been suggested that it ended up being above 210,000 policies which were mis-sold.

HFC Bank LTD was fined 1,085,000 by the FSA. For those who had taken a loan in 2005 to 2007 with HFC Bank you almost certainly mis-sold PPI, it is said that 75% of loans obtained in that period of time were mis sold payment protection insurance, roughly 163,000 policies.

GE Capital Bank has been fined 610,000 by the FSA. In 2005 around 850,000 policies were sold in 2005 alone, by store personnel for those who have store credit cards as well as credit cards and financial loans. had been fined 455,000 by the FSA. This provider mis-sold ppi to over 14,400 consumers and also the records may be climbing.

These are just some of the finance companies whom were guilty of the mis-selling. If you think maybe you are a victim of this misdealing you're able to begin to reclaim your lost money not to mention receive a statutory rate of interest of 8%.

Numerous people file their ppi claims by themselves simply by collecting all their information and sending a formal letter to the loan company. A common technique a lot of these financial institutions are utilizing is sending you a denial letter, never stop trying. Write them again, and tell them to reconsider and if they deny again that you will be taking the ppi claims to the Ombudsman.

Often the financial institutions will send a settlement offer, usually a low ball amount. You can either agree to it as well as deny it. You may desire to send them a follow-up saying you will be satisfied with a certain amount, but be sure you specify "without prejudice", by doing this they can't put it to use against you later.

In summary, if you're positive you had been mis sold payment protection insurance, and then start your claim today. You could make contact with the FOS and ask them to assist you. You may also contact ppi claims specialists.

Loan Agents Penalized Pertaining To Mis-Sold Payment Protection Insurance

By: Sharon Dawkins

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