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Cool Yet Naughty Online Business Ideas

Cool Yet Naughty Online Business Ideas
Cool Yet Naughty Online Business Ideas

Here are some thrilling yet honest online business ideas for online entrepreneurs.

But first I must tell you that you shouldn't be afraid to take risks. The main issue today is that we have to fight to get the attention. There is so much noise out here across the web that we have to quickly find a way to stand out.

So the following online business ideas involve you getting attention but there is a catch. See it is one thing to have "link bait" something that will get people to click on your headline. But another thing to actually provide quality content and actually connect with people. I think you can easily guess which one leads to the most sales.

The most important thing you need to know is that naughty words like "sexuality" may get attention. However sexuality also creates immediate transparency if you do it correctly. Transparency of course creates a closer relationship to you and the reader.

So naughty words used correctly will equal a better connection to prospects thus increasing your conversion rate and long term quality sales. The following ideas are designed to help you use the "s" word to your advantage.

1. Spice up your vocabulary in your blog or website content with words like "hot" delicious" and risque words like "foreplay". Like I said you have to get their attention. When describing your articles, headlines, and body these are attention grabbers.

2. Use risque vocabulary in your email lists and products. Not just an ebook but a "Hot" ebook. Standard headlines like "Sigup to my Email Marketing List". Now becomes "Kiss your Hot Frustrations Goodbye When you Signup to my Super Sweet 36 hour e-course". Notice how that wasn't directly sexual or vulgar? The idea is to tease yet deliver to your niche.

3. Create images on your website or blog that entice your target market. If your market is women have muscle men. If men have women in bathing suits or blowing kisses with red lipstick. In fact that would play into the second ideas advantage. Nothing like a woman with red lipstick.

Overall if you set your vocabulary correctly and imagery in the same way then all you have to do from there is deliver on the content. You could outsource that or get to work on it yourself.

Don't sell naughty wording let it sell for you through great headlines, products, and email signups. And of course always deliver the goods whether it be through your content, emails or products. These are my naughty online business ideas for growing your business.

by: Darren Monroe

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