subject: Tax Bonds From Probond Insurance Corp [print this page] Probond Insurance CorpProbond Insurance Corp. is an established full service agency providing multiple lines of surety and fidelity services for both standard and problem credit applicants. Their focus is maintaining the highest level of customer service to ensure the quickest possible turn-around time. Their knowledgeable and professional staff ensures business practices and procedures that are well established and have been developed to provide the best surety services possible to you the client.
Probond Insurance Corp. offers some of the Surety Bonds including MVD Bond / Auto Dealer Bond, Seller of Travel Bonds, Mortgage Broker Surety Bond, Contractor License Bond, School Bonds, Sales Tax Bonds, Telemarketing Bond, Utility Bonds. A Surety Bond is a written agreement that usually provides for financial compensation in case the principal fails in their duties or promises. A Surety bond is a specialized type of insurance that is created whenever one party guarantees an obligation by another party. There are always three parties to this Suretyship agreement. The principal (client / you) undertakes the obligation; The Surety guarantees the obligation will be met. The Obligee receives the Surety Bond and in most cases receives monetary compensation from the Surety Bond if the obligations are not met. Surety bonds are not insurance. Surety bonds are an extension of credit. The premium charged covers the cost of providing a service. That service is the credit guarantee an individual or business requires to conduct their individual or business affairs. A Tax Bond / Tax Surety Bonds is a guarantee for the payment of taxes in favor of state statutes or local laws. A Surety ship guarantee remains with the principal and the protection from the bond is for the Obligee. The Surety uses its company financial backing guarantee. There are hundreds of different types of Surety Bonds and each one has to be considered differently from the underwriters prospective. Surety cancellation clauses, term dates, cumulative liability and aggregate liability are major factors when processing a surety bond submission. Probond Insurance Corp. specializes in providing tax bonds to businesses and individuals throughout the United States. They offer the widest selection of surety and fidelity services. Excise Tax Bonds guarantees that excise taxes are paid when purchases are made on specific goods, such as gasoline. Excise taxes are often included in the price of the product. There are also excise taxes on activities, such as on wagering or on highway usage. Highway Use Tax Bonds is a bond that guarantees payment of taxes or fees imposed by statute or local law.
by: Jack Authors
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