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subject: Acting Is A Business- Most Powerful Tool Ever [print this page]

Acting Is A Business- Most Powerful Tool Ever

An absolutely extraordinary way of marketing yourself and getting instant access to agents, casting directors, managers, producers and other industry professionals is by having a presence on the internet. These days you need to have a presence on the internet and you should be actively marketing and promoting yourself on the web. The internet has rapid interaction capabilities that no other medium possesses and as a performer you need to capitalize on that. Being active on the internet represents an opportunity to get close to industry experts and develop strong relationships with them. It is probably one of the best way to let industry professionals know that you exist and that you mean business.

Let's explore what presence on the internet means. Let's say a new movie is being released soon. Before that particular movie hits the theaters you will have seen numerous trailers on different websites and different blogs, you will read countless reviews, see interviews conducted by the cast that will end up on numerous websites and blogs again, the movie will be promoted on you tube, myspace, facebook, twitter, wikipedia and every other social media site possible. In addition it will also have its official dot com where you can watch trailers see more interviews and really get acquainted with what the movie is about and what it has to offer. In short what this internet presence really does is it builds a relationship between you (the audience) and the movie. By seeing the trailers, the interviews, reading the reviews ect... the relationship between you and the movie will be so strong that when the movie is finally being released you will run to the ticket booth and buy the ticket immediately.

Having internet presence is Vital and extremely powerful. Imagine building this kind of relationship with any industry expert and the world of opportunity it will create for you. Study what marketing pioneers have done and apply it to your performing arts career. Take advantage of this powerful tool and your business will increase exponentially.

To Your Success,

Cristian Ciocan

by: Cristian Ciocan

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