subject: My Prospect Asked: Does An Mlm Business Collapse? [print this page] My prospect asked: Does an MLM business collapse?
Does an MLM business collapse? The objection I'm about to talk about is often an underlying objection to MLM, but most people cannot identify that this is the big one. In other words, they just have a negative view of the industry and they can't really tell you why.
I've also seen a huge relief on the faces of people already in MLM when I train them on this objection. So, if you have a prospect who just can't seem to overcome an objection, or if you have a down-line member who is unwilling to talk to their friends and seems to be a closet network marketer you might share with them what I'm going to share with you.
I'm not going to give you scripts to say on this one. You just need to learn the whole conversation. I'm going to write it as if you asked me about it.
Sometimes when people think of a pyramid, they think of a business that can only grow based on new people coming into the business. When there are no more new people to join the business, the business collapses. This would be true of an illegal pyramid.
An illegal pyramid is one where there's not a real or legitimate product that moves to a consumer. If it's just people putting money into the scheme, theoretically it could run out of new people to put money in. Funny, every time I say this I always ask myself the question.
How is that different than a bank? A bank advertises to get deposits, and then lends a portion of those deposits to other people. When there are no more new people to put money into the bank, does it not collapse?
The bank is dependent on new money coming in to pay interest on all those who have already deposited their money. The test of whether a company has a legitimate product or not, is whether there are customers who will happily buy the product.
Listen closely if you have not already entered into the business. When there's a legitimate product, businesses do not collapse because of no more new people.
If people are joining the MLM business and are selling products and recruiting and training others to sell products what happens if suddenly there are no more people on Earth to recruit? It's a crazy idea, I know, but it would simply mean that the business would no longer be expanding because of new business owners.
All the customers who are buying the product and are enjoying the product will continue to buy the product, whether there are no more new businesses starting up or not. It will not collapse.
If you'd like to learn more about this, then I highly recommend you read the article Do
MLM Companies Collapse Because No More New People Join?
by: mlmfirstclass1
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