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How to Operate a Cash Register

A cash register is an important device for a retail store. There are some benefits you can take from its usage. Some of the benefits are for tracking your daily sales and detail the amounts of money that you can get through cash, credit card, and check transactions.

By using several features that are available, you are able to break down your sales into categories. As the result, you can record how much of money you can get from every department of your store.

Just use this device according to what you need. It is also suggested for you to run it based on the instructions. To handle it, things you need are the manual and tape of cash register and cash register itself.

Meanwhile, the first step you can do to handle it is by programming it based on the instructions of the manufacturer. For corresponding to the different compartments in your operation, you should designate the numbers of category on the keypad. For each category, enter the certain amount of sales tax.

Secondly, you should load the tape of cash register. You are able to purchase it at many office supply stores. When it is full, you can change the tape. Make sure that you save the tapes of your register and label each one with the dates that it covers.

Thirdly, after entering the price, it is recommended for you to hit the button that corresponds to the category of the products, such as "food" or "magazines". Then, you can hit the button of "subtotal". If there is any discount on the transaction, you can hit the button that corresponds to the amount of discounts and press the button of subtotal again.

Related to the payment that the customer wants to choose, you can press the key that corresponds to the method of payment, such as "cash" or "charge". Then, you can hit the button of "total" to display the amount of change you need to give to the customer.

How to Operate a Cash Register

By: Zane Marquez

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