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subject: Tips On Increasing Your Business Profit, Without Cutting Down On Your Staff [print this page]

Tips On Increasing Your Business Profit, Without Cutting Down On Your Staff

In a down economy, businesses need to get resourceful on the right way to become leaner and more profitable at the same time. While most businesses will say that the buildings or other services they're paying for are what they need, they might be paying too much for them. This is the time to have a look at and reevaluate the services a business utilizes.

One of the most costly services a company uses is utilities. If the community that the company is in has the opportunity of selecting its provider, look around and find the least expensive. Additionally, companies ought to be looking for ways in which to reduce power usage. Installing programs which close computers down after so many minutes of idleness or placing lights on motion detectors are methods to ensure that unused appliances are not utilizing energy, therefore lowering the utility bill. Another probable solution is making use of compact florescent lights, which not just use less power, but are a green option as well.

Shop around for a less pricey benefits package. Health care costs are at an never before seen high, and if your business hasn't shopped around for coverage packages, now is the time to do so. Deliberate with agencies for exactly the same benefits that are currently being extended, at a lesser cost. One strategy would be to contact your present insurance company and ask for a discount for being such a devoted consumer.

Take advantage of technology. Technology is an expenditure, however one that can be made into a more beneficial investment for the business. Enable personnel to work from their homes, on the road, or where ever they may be. This reduces the company's need for office space as well as travel expenses. The majority of conferences can often be performed via video conference, which means travel is no longer needed.

Reduce paper use. Technically this is furthering the utilize of technology, yet it also lowers the company's cost in paper. Make use of email, the phone, and net postings to get messages to staff and other directors. Paper is costly for the business to purchase, and is tough on the environment.

Decrease other extra expenditures. A number of businesses provide water, via water coolers, or free coffee to workers, which is an incredible advantage. It can certainly as well be an incredibly expensive one, if the business is supplying paper or Styrofoam cups. Still offer the water and coffee, but supply a permanent marker for employees to mark their own cups from home with, as an alternative to buying disposable.

With a little creativeness, there are perhaps hundreds of ways to reduce spending within the business. Analyze them, locate them, expose them, and then do away with them.

by: Craig Calvin

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