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Knowing the Job Description of Cashier

A cashier has a big role in a store or restaurant. Even, nowadays, you can find her in banks, retail outlets, and many other businesses. It is not easy to be a cashier. Even though the operation of business has a trouble, she still has to give priority in her job. She must perform her responsibilities efficiently and effectively.

The job description of a cashier is related to the payment. She must take the customers' payments and give change to customers. She has to ensure that she has given the appropriate change. As the result, her cash drawer will balance.

She also has to know how to process the payment with credit/debit cards. It is known that today, some customers use them to pay fro their purchase. Also, she has to scan the bar codes on the items the customer has bought. This way should be done to check out the orders of customer in grocery stores.

Of course, the tasks of a cashier do not stop from the tasks mentioned above. She is also responsible for selling cashier checks, stamps, money orders, and lottery tickets. She also should change the tape of cash register and bag groceries. Also, she should mention other services and products, transfer money to a vault, and balance a cash drawer.

She also handles the inquiries of customer service. She prepares bags of money for truck drivers, calculates coins in the machine of coin and balances the bank vault. Sometimes, she must cash checks, process withdrawal requests, and take deposits. She also must verify if money is legitimate.

Knowing the Job Description of Cashier

By: Zane Marquez

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