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Using Call Forwarding For Your Business

The use of call forwarding has been seen in many businesses/companies who need to be everywhere at once for purposes of communication. If you feel as though you are missing out on a lot of important calls because you're away from the office don't want to give your cell phone number out, then this can be a useful feature. It has helped many people to better manage incoming calls, no matter what the original number dialed is or who the caller is. You can choose to send specific numbers you've selected to voice mail if they should call, as well as any anonymous or unknown numbers that show up on caller ID. The idea of linking multiple lines to one phone is certainly not a new idea, but it has been modified to near perfection in recent years.

With call forwarding you are now able to set the precise time of day you want calls routed to your phone and the time of day you want them to be sent to voice mail. This way you will be able to decide for yourself when to take calls for business and when you do not. The great thing about this feature is that you do not have to carry multiple cell phones with you, but rather have calls made to other lines rerouted to a single phone. This makes it much easier to stay in contact with people all over the world who you do business with for a minimal expense to you.

Anyone who has Callcentric for their provider will want to seriously consider signing up for call forwarding. It has assisted many businesses with bridging the communications gap that is left by singular phone lines which can only be answered separately. Getting all of your calls routed to the same number saves time and effort, so you can stay on top of any business you have at all times. Whether you decide to get DID forwarding or Call Treatments is completely up to you. You should be aware however that with Call Treatments, it is a slightly more complex and sophisticated method of forwarding calls. You will have more options and be able to set the time of day you want to start and stop receiving incoming calls from people.

With DID forwarding, it's a much simpler way of doing this for people who don't want to spend a lot of time messing around in settings. No matter which you choose, the fact remains that call forwarding can be an invaluable way of communicating with others, no matter where you are. You will be able to get calls from all over the country routed to your mobile phone for business or personal reasons.

by: Gen Wright

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