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subject: Commonly Made Mistakes When Applying Skin Care Products [print this page]

Author: Fiona Ross
Author: Fiona Ross

I cannot tell you how many people I have heard about that give up on their skin care products only after a week or two of using them. This baffles me. You spend all this money to have your specific night and day cream or your specific eye care products, like and eye gel or cream, for those crow lines you developed and you through them away if you do not see immediate results. What people do not understand is that there are no miracle cures, any product or procedure you do to your body has to take time to work in your system. Have patience and give your products some time. Another common mistake amongst people who swear up and down that their specific product does not work is the way that they apply them to their skin. With certain moisturizers or creams, there is a specific reason for the amount you need to place on your skin. The reason for the amount that is place on your direction label is that this amount is the way the product was designed to work. Take the example of eye gels. Every eye gel that I read says the same things; apply small dots on area, do not rub into the skin, and do not put to close to the eyes. The reason for these instructions should be common sense. Obviously, you are not to apply eye gels to your eyes directly, so do not put the eye gel so close to your eye. Also, anything you rub into your skin is more than likely going to irritate your skin even more. So when you complain about how your eyes gel gave you puffy eyes or irritated the skin around your eyes, take a look at how you are applying your product. It might be you, not the eye gel that did not do what was supposed to be done. So the next time you buy yourself a new skincare product or eye gel/cream give it time and follow the instructions. If it still doesnt work for you then it might just be the wrong product for your face and body. That is the only time tossing your product would be a proper thing to do. Patience is the key to success in skin care situations.About the Author:

Fiona Ross is a consumerist specializing in the skin care industry. She has always been interested in the ways our skin reacts to different product and the best">eye gel or creams and skin care products for the daily consumers.

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