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subject: Being Aware Of The Excellent Benefits Of Using A Leasing Company From Eagle Business Finance [print this page]

Being Aware Of The Excellent Benefits Of Using A Leasing Company From Eagle Business Finance

Finding the funding for various things, such as marketing and payroll, is difficult enough without having to scrape money together to purchase necessary equipment. Sometimes it is just better to lease, and you should find out the benefits of using a leasing company.

When you lease equipment for your business, you usually do not need to pay for the shipping. They offer this free as an incentive to lease it. And the maintenance is all inclusive in your monthly bill when you lease, as opposed to having to purchase it separately when you purchase equipment outright. And you will almost always pay for shipping when you buy equipment.

The monthly payments should be much more affordable than taking out a lump sum for equipment for the business. And when you finance the purchase, your loan could change with the prime rate or other rates. Your monthly leasing bill will stay the same.

You can trade up, also, getting better, more modern, state of the art equipment for your business. Or you may be given the option to purchase what you are already accustomed to using, when the lease runs out.

As a separate line of credit, your credit rating should even improve with payments made on time. And there are also some tax advantages when you lease, such as a 100% deductible expense. When you purchase items, you can only claim the depreciation and perhaps the interest paid.

Your business can run more smoothly, when you do not need to worry about where you will get that enormous amount of money for equipment needed. If you lease various equipment for your business, you only need to come up with the monthly payments. This should leave well needed cash for payroll, research and development, marketing and so much more. There are many benefits of using a leasing company for your business equipment needs.

by: Robert Witherspoon.

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