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Telemarketing Servicehow Lead Generation Can Be A Huge Win For Your Business

If you are in a business where your primary method of advertising is print media, then here is an idea to drastically increase sales that may just work for you. Print media can be a very effective medium for a lot of businesses including window tinters, hail restoration, window replacement, carpet cleaing, office cleaning and many more . Often times business owners have tried all the different print medium available in their market to finally settle on one that produces a number of appointments at the right price. The problem is that the number of appointments usually occur all within a few days of the advertisement run date. Then what do you do? It is feast or famine for a lot of these businesses with very little idea on how to solve this. Your sales reps arent busy and the installers are busy as heck for one week and then for three weeks have nothing to do. And here lies the answer.

A very good telemarketing service can provide lead generation for you. I know that the perception is that most people hate telemarketers but the reality is, it works! Here is an example. Take a window replacement company located in Tampa, FL. They have tried every print publication available locally to them. They paid $2,000 for one advertisement which only produced 3 appointments. Another they paid $2,000 and the ad produced 27 appointments consistently month in and month out. The problem is that was their only source of appointments at $74 per appointment. A telemarketing service can provide a solid lead generation service, fill the schedule gaps of your sales reps, provide appointments on a daily basis, and provide as few or as many as you need. Growing your business incrementally is quite easy this way. If you hire one new sales rep who can handle 5 appointments a day, simply call your telemarketing service partner and voila! They hire another person and it is done at a price per appointment that is usually less expensive than any print media available.

So if you own a business and have relied on traditional forms of marketing and advertising, think outside the box for a minute. Ask yourself, can your product or service be sold over the phone? If you think maybe, then dig a little further and find out whether it will work for you. Find someone highly qualified to provide this telemarketing service and ask a lot of questions. Have you done this for anyone else in my industry? Why do you think this will work for me? What other successes have you had that may be similar to my industry? How are your agents different? What do they sound like? These are only a few questions you need answers to. Be wary of the guy that says yes to everything. Not all companies will benefit from this service and not all telemarketing service companies are capable of providing the quality. Change your thinking a bit when looking at other marketing methods. You may be really glad you did.

by: AndrewJustin

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