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subject: 5 Reasons Why You Should Be Marketing Your Mlm Business Online [print this page]

5 Reasons Why You Should Be Marketing Your Mlm Business Online

I just wanted to take a quick minute and give a couple of reasons why I think that it's essential in today's market that you market your business through the internet in addition to any other strategy that you choose to use. Personally, I started marketing my business online in September of 2009, and it has changed the way that I think about everything, and definitely transformed my personal results. The biggest thing that it did, however, was teach me how to tap into a massive additional market that I hadn't been utilizing. So here we go with the 5 reasons:

1. There are over 2 billion internet users world wide, and if someone isn't using the internet - you probably don't want to try and recruit them anyways. You might be asking 'why' - but it's a simple factor of math - people who use the internet demographically have more money than people who don't. Try sponsoring reps who don't have money - it's not the easiest thing in the world.

2. Internet marketing is by far the easiest, cheapest, most efficient way to generate leads - even if it's a royal pain in the rear to learn. As an example - try generating leads for under a dollar using any other method but the internet - it ain't happening. Online, if you get really good, I've seen people create leads for under 20 cents each.

3. With online marketing, you can target people that are actively looking for your product - right in the very second that they're looking. Just ask yourself the question - is it better to target prospects that are looking to join an MLM business right now and have the money to do so - or to wander around passing out DVD's to random people in shopping malls?

4. There is a way to market online that suits every personality. I've seen dynamic speakers, single moms, introverts, social types, and analytical types all succeed marketing their businesses online in different ways. One person told me the other day that they hate making videos - the cool thing is, if you hate doing something in online marketing - you don't have to do it, there are too many options out there.

5. When you get the hang of it, online marketing is just easier than any other kind of marketing. There's less hassle for bigger results. Yesterday, for an example, my blog got more than 2,855 visitors in one day. Now, that's more than I typically get - but could you imagine the headache of trying to have almost three thousand people walk into a store - or to try and get even more than 100 people to call you? I have a hosting plan that's about ten dollars a month that handles more than 30,000 visitors every 30 days - that's cool.

Overall, I just want to emphasize how important it is to market your business in a way that resonates with the market place. Just like back in 1798 mail used to be delivered on a horse and buggy - today people communicate online through email and social media. Just like it wouldn't make much sense to try and recruit people by wandering around your neighborhood on horseback dressed like a nobleman - it makes an insane amount of sense to learn how to use social media. I hope that helps.

by: David Michael Wood

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