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A Short Amsterdam Travel Guide

Author: Arjen Koopman
A Short Amsterdam Travel Guide

Author: Arjen Koopman

This short guide provides an overview of all the important tourist destinations and sights of Amsterdam, including when you should plan your visit and how to best get around the city. Major Attractions Old City Center - Some of the buildings in the City Center date back as far as the 13th century, and you can explore the whole area while walking along one of the hundreds of canals that meander through the city. Aside from the historic architecture, there are many restaurants and the famous Amsterdam "brown cafes" where you can stop when you want a break from walking. For authentic Amsterdam shopping, visit the daily markets at the Waterlooplein or Albert Cuyp. Museums of Art and History - There is no shortage of museums in Amsterdam were you can get a view of famous artworks, particularly in the Van Gogh Museum and the Rijksmuseum. Another popular museum is the Anne Frank House, where this famous Holocaust diarist hid during World War II. These are just a few examples of the many museums in the city. Nightlife Amsterdam is a very multi-cultural city, and there are restaurants in Amsterdam catering to nearly any cuisine you could imagine. Zeedijk or the area around Rembrandtplein are filled with wonderful Thai, Surinamese and Malaysian eateries as well as brown cafes and shops. Live music concerts are common in the evenings at Paradiso or Melkweg. Hip night clubs to visit are Jimmy Woo, Bitterzoet or Powerzone. Walk on the Wild Side - You can't ignore that one of the reasons why Amsterdam is famous is the availability of soft drugs at the "coffee shops" around the city. Small amounts of marijuana and hashish can be legally bought and smoked at these shops. The Red Light District is home to an age-old and very public prostitution industry, and regardless of their personal opinions, most tourist go take a look. The People of Amsterdam You'll find the local residents of Amsterdam are very open-minded, laid-back and quick to start up a conversation with tourists in English. If you ever need to ask someone on the street for directions or assistance, don't hesitate. Amsterdammers are very friendly. Best Time to VisitAmsterdam is really an all-year round destination, but the best times to see the city are in the summer. That also means larger crowds of tourists. For a compromise, try seeing Amsterdam in April or May, or later in the year between August and September. It's lovely, and there will be fewer people. Getting Around the City There are many ways for you to get around Amsterdam and see the city while you are there. Taking a taxi may be convenient but it will quite a bit more expensive than your other options. If you rent your own car, be prepared for high parking costs and frequent traffic jams on the major routes. Better options would be the excellent public transit system that has trams, subways and buses. You can get anywhere in the city and save some money too. If you want to experience Amsterdam like a local, rent a bike and take a tour of the Old City Center. There are also canal tours that can take you around town via the many canals - almost no spot in the city center cannot be reached by boat.About the Author:

Arjen Koopman is the editor of Amsterdam Advisor, the Amsterdam travel guide that helps you find the gems and avoid the tourist traps. Find a more detailed Amsterdam guide at his site.

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