subject: Can I Request That My Driver Speed To Get Me To My Destination Faster? [print this page] If you use taxi services for transpiration on a regular basis, you're probably familiar with the rules and procedures that accompany their use. If, on the other hand, you're new to using taxis, or are using them in a new area for the first time, then you might have some questions about what is and what is not acceptable behavior. One area in which there exists considerable confusion is in the realm of whether or not it is acceptable to ask your driver to speed if you're in a hurry to get to your destination.
The basic rule regarding asking your cab driver if they are willing to speed is that, really, no one can make you not ask anyone a question. However, expecting a taxi driver to speed just because you ask them to do so is not an exceptionally reasonable expectation either. Taxi drivers get requests to speed several times a day and refuse all requests of this nature pretty much immediately.
The truth is that if a taxi driver speeds at your request, they are still going to be the one who has to pay for the traffic ticket if they are caught speeding. If this happens, the cost of that ticket is likely to be as much or more than the money they made that entire day of work. That is simply too much for a working person to gamble simply because you are late for an appointment. On top of that, if a taxi driver gets too many tickets, it would cause their insurance risk to be judged higher, which could actually put their employment in danger. Again, this is a risk that they are not likely going to be willing to take for you.
This is the general pattern that you will find when you're trying to take a taxi in the United States. In the rest of the world though, there may be different rules at play, so if you're more of a global traveler, you may in fact be able to find opportunities where your cab driver will speed for you. In certain countries, the traffic regulations are much looser in general, and enforced much less than they are in the US. In some of these countries, if you ask a cab driver to speed for you they might, especially if you're willing to pay extra for the ride. This might sound strange or illegal to Americans, but is common practice on much of the planet.
by: Brandon Caldwell
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