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subject: Selecting The Best Vacuum Pump Oil For Your Car [print this page]

A vacuum pump has several uses for the auto air conditioning mechanic and automotive shop. The main purpose of a vacuum pump would be to get rid of oxygen and moisture out of your automobile oxygen conditioning system.

Dampness is really a significant threat for your car's oxygen conditioning program. Moisture will move through the refrigerant line as fine mist and crystallize wherever it expands. Also, when moisture mixes with refrigerants it'll become very corrosive. You may not notice this damage until it's too late. A vacuum pump removes moisture by creating a vacuum in the oxygen conditioning system. The reduced pressure will boil off the dampness at very low temperatures. This will vaporize the water and vent it out through the program.

Now the next issue is what may be the best type and size of vacuum pump to make use of. First, there are 2 types you will run into. The cheapest is really a venture type vacuum pump that runs out of your store oxygen compressor. Ventura pumps are popular with the home mechanic crowd because they're cheap and easy to use. Nevertheless, they're limited by the truth that they it's very hard to boil off much dampness with 1 of these types of vacuum pumps.

They just will not pull a great a vacuum while you need. The greatest and most typical vacuum pumps which are discovered inside an expert auto shop are a great electric vacuum pump. Every professional oxygen conditioner mechanic and car store has at least one. You now have to decide what make and model to buy or rent. Most vacuum pumps have a CFM rating on the box. This indicates how much air volume the pump can remove from the system. The more oxygen the pump can move, the quicker it'll attain the proper vacuum.

There's also two stage and single stage pumps. Also, the two stage pumps are quicker and more effective, but a single stage will get the job done. If you are using a vacuum pump over a passenger car as much as 10 tons, a 1.2 cfm pump will work fine. If you're working over an oxygen conditioning system inside a big truck or RV, you'll most likely need to move up to a 4 cfm design. Now which you have chosen the proper vacuum pump for your automotive store, you'll have to properly maintain this kind of piece of equipment.

by: Emery Ross

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