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5 Logo Design Tips For Small Businesses

A lot of small businesses end up wasting money and time on their Logo Design just because they dont know how to get one designed. If you own a business and are looking to get a quality logo to represent your business professionally, then you need to know how a logo should be designed to give your business a professional image. It is the responsibility of your logo to help you win the trust of your market. So, you need to be very careful when you are ready to create one, because creating one unprofessionally will destroy your business image completely. So, here are 5 important tips you must keep in mind when you are ready to create your business identity.

Do Competitors Analysis:

Now, this is important folks. You have got to analyze your competitors and see how they have created their brand identity. Remember one thing that never try to copy any of your competitors. You should only analyze their logos to get inspiration and see how they have been targeting your market. This will allow you to understand how your market is functioning and what trends they have adopted. Thus, you will be able to outperform them with a much better design.

Create a Plan:

Now, the next step is to create a plan. You will need to answer these questions in your plan: How do you want to target your market? How do you want them to perceive you after looking at your logo? What sort of impression do you want to leave? Once you answer these questions, you will have a proper plan that how you should create your logo. Remember, you must not rush or do anything haphazardly, because you may mess things up. Be calm and create a strategy wisely.

Discuss with Your Designer:

After you form a strategy, sit down with your designer and discuss how your logo should be created. Tell the designer about your industry, products and services. An experienced designer will be able to guide you that what sort of layout will be suitable for your particular industry logo design. Ensure that your logo properly represents your business model because this is extremely important. If it doesnt represent your business, then your market wont be able to judge your business properly.

Keep it Simple:

Make sure that you keep the design as simple as possible. Keep in view the most memorable and simple logos such as the logos of Toyota, Honda, Target, Nike and so on. Tell your designer not to worry about creating a complex design. A simple design is easily memorable.

Choose Colors Wisely:

Choose colors for your logo design wisely. It is recommended that you dont use more than two colors in your logo. Also, make sure that you use the colors correctly and nicely so the logo will look good in black and white as well. A lot of colors will make your logo look complicated and most likely it wont look good in black and white.

by: Claudia Winifred

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