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subject: Is Going Green Going To Save Me Money? [print this page]

The answer to this question is yes because you should be able to save money by going green. You say, okay that sounds good, but, wait, what does go green really mean? Well, it means to accept as part of your lifestyle to be friendlier to our environment. You're probably wondering how can I learn to go green? Well, you can consider the following tips that can assist you in your quest to become friendlier to our environment and save you money at the same time:

Tip One: Reduce the amount of water you are currently using. Did you know if you took less time to take a shower you actually can reduce significantly the amount of water you are using over time? Yes, that's right you sure can. Just imagine how much money you could save on your water bill if you and your family reduced the amount of time it takes to shower.

Tip Two: Adjust the thermostat in your home during the summer a few degrees higher and in the winter months a few degrees lower to save on your gas and electric bills.

Tip Three: Consider installing energy saving compact fluorescent light bulbs. You may want to change out your old light bulbs to these energy saving bulbs sooner rather than later. You'll probably find that your electric bill has reduced while using these new bulbs because they use a fraction of the electricity than your older light bulbs. In addition, the compact fluorescent light bulbs are better on our environment.

Tip Four: Wash clothes in cold water instead of hot water whenever possible. Did you know that the majority of energy used to machine wash clothes goes to heating the water? Yes it sure does. It's even better if you are able to hang dry your clothes on a clothes line or drying rack if you can. This would be a great way to dry your clothes instead of using a clothes dryer.

Tip Five: Turn off the lights when they're not in use. During the day how about opening your curtains or blinds to let the sunshine into your home. By doing this, you will not only save money but reduce the amount of energy you are using thus helping our environment.

Tip Six: Got an errand to run? Is it a short distance? If so, consider walking or riding your bike instead of driving your vehicle. This will help you save on fuel costs for your vehicle, help the environment and assist you in becoming healthier in the long run.

Tip Seven: Pay as many bills as you can online. This keeps you from having to receive bills in the mail, writing checks for bills and purchasing stamps to mail off your bills. Just think, you can do this task of paying your bills by a few key strokes on your computer and like magic you're all done without wasting paper!

Tip Eight: Turn your computer completely off when it is not being used to save on energy costs.

Tip Nine: Consider going to your local farmers market to buy fresh fruit and vegetables for you and your family.

Tip Ten: Before you purchase new or used items do your research online to see where you can get the best deal for your money. Believe it or not this will also help you to save on your energy costs as well by reducing the amount of gas you use driving around town trying to find the item you want to buy.

Tip Eleven: Recycle as much as possible. It is a good idea to recycle items such as; plastic bottles, glass bottles, aluminum cans, newspapers, computer paper, cell phones, computers and the list goes on an on. Recycling is also good for our environment.

Going green is something that we all can do to make a positive impact on our environment and to do our part in reducing global warning to our planet. In addition, going green will also help you to save money in the long run which is also a very good thing for you and your family.

by: Nocita Carter

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