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subject: An Important Part Of Your Online Business Should Have Brand Building As Number One [print this page]

An Important Part Of Your Online Business Should Have Brand Building As Number One

In the last 12 months, brand building has really taken off. Big companies are not the only ones who can now brand themselves, as new comers to the internet marketing field are realizing that branding should be an important part for getting found faster by prospects.

So what is the first thing one needs to do for brand building? You may be surprised by the answer.

Do you believe that you are good at what you do? If you don't, no one else will either.

Your question might be now, so what's next? An easy way is to get close to friends, acquaintances and information that are experts at what they do, know and teach.

There is a drawback to this approach. There will be a day when you realize you know all the information you need to know and also know what the experts you followed know.

At this point, you might be falling into "What is it that I can offer that is different and unique since everyone knows what I know?"

A good tactic is to reflect on who came to you for advice or to pick your brain to help them find a solution.

There are many ways you can stimulate more ideas to answer that question:

* Your skills that those around you ask your help with

* Life experiences have given you insights, so look at relationships, death, financial hardships, family life, training you received

* Have your accomplishments ever brought you praise?

* Your special hobbies

It's simple to extract from the answers to these questions a specific look that only you can fit in.

You can start by a nick name and/or use a catchy tag line such as big companies like McDonald or Pepsi or Coca Cola might use. You can even answer the telephone in a special way and have business cards printed that uses a logo and special textured paper. There is no end to the possibilities.

As your branding efforts spell out your unique selling proposition, it's easy to think that something like "Teaching home business owners, how to position themselves to generate leads using attraction marketing methods in the low cost environment of web 2.0 social media by setting up a central hub like a blog or a website then driving traffic to it through SEO and social networking sites" covers what you do really well.

But it's easy to see that every Tom, Dick and Harriet will be doing the same thing. That's why using a catchy and short phrase is always better such as " Drop Useless Cookie Cutter Marketing and Learn to Brand Yourself Online"?

Iin order to drill down into what you can further offer, ask those around you what your strengths are. It's possible that you see yourself as shy but others don't see that about you. It will give you more confidence.

As you become well known for one thing, in your specific niche, you will be more focused to what brand image you want to reflect and your brand building will take off.

Blending in the crowd won't cut it online. Millions of people are now turning to online marketing as a means of escaping the economic downturn and if you don't jump on the brand building band wagon first, then you will not stand out of the crowd and be found when someone is looking for you.

So being armed with the right information from those who have been there and done that is not only important but crucial to your success.

by: Marie Leonard.

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