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subject: Month End Money - Solves Your Monetary Shortage Problems! [print this page]

Sometimes you have a number of expenses to meet but empty wallet disappoints you. Month end money would prove beneficial to such borrowers who cannot delay their cash shortage.

This kind of financial assistance helps meet your unexpected financial needs. It may be used to pay off medical emergencies, electric bills, any unexpected travel expenses and for any purpose that suits the borrower. They do not include any credit checks. Hence, even those who have a poor credit history can apply for this financial assistance.

They are short term monetary aids that assist you to get the loan amount ranging from 80 to 1500. The repayment day is fixed i.e. within 30 days of the day of your salary. You can repay this amount at the end of the month on your salary day. It involves flexible repayment terms as it carries a short amount. It charges a high rate of interest because of its instant availability. You can also extend the schedule by paying an additional fee to the lender.


It is affordable in any kind of emergency

They do not involve any credit checks as they are required instantly

Easy to apply and are approved quickly

Financial information of the borrower is kept confidential

To be eligible to apply for this credit you should be above 18 years, you must be a citizen of UK, you must have a running bank account, and you must have regular income of above 1000. Tenants and homeowners can also apply for this credit facility.

You can also avail of financial support through the online procedure. All you have to do is fill an online application form giving all relevant details. Once the lender is assured that you have filled in the correct details he/she will transfer the amount into your account within a time span of 24 hours. This helps to save a lot of time and money.

by: PeterDarwin

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