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subject: Benefits of using 0871 numbers in excelling the business [print this page]

Benefits of using 0871 numbers in excelling the business

0871 non-geographical numbers are very useful in providing right direction to a business. These numbers are helpful for small, medium and large sized organizations as they have so much to offer. The 0871 numbers are one among several numbers in this series which provide international presence to the organization. The owners can receive calls from the whole world if they activate international service on their NGN numbers

All companies can derive benefits by using these numbers irrespective of the time they have been into existence. The newly found companies can gain popularity and already established ones can create an edge over other companies. No matter from where and when a customer calls on the 0871 numbers, he can approach the company's enquiry desk easily. It depends on the companies whether they opt to go for totally free calling system or make them cheap for the customers. A host can choose the numbers according to his requirement.

Various call management services provided by the suppliers allow the company to attend calls of the customers smoothly. This is very important especially where a company has to attend heavy call rush, for example call centres and marketing companies. Various call management packages in this series cover following services:

1.Call attendant: Call attendant is a powerful tool that permits the company to answer the calls in a specific order. A customer is greeted with a brief welcome and then it is transferred to the related enquiry department.

2.Call routing: Call routing is another wonderful tool in managing heavy call rush effectively. This package transfers the call to next channel if it is not attended for some reason.

3.Call whisper: The call whisper package is there to filter the important customer calls from the ordinary ones. This package lets the owner to find out if he has got the call from ordinary number of 0871 numbers.

Benefits of using 0871 numbers in excelling the business

By: Jayden White

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