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subject: Car Door Magnets Could Be The Perfect Advertising Option For Your Business [print this page]

Car Door Magnets Could Be The Perfect Advertising Option For Your Business

Car door magnets are an increasingly popular way to place non-permanent business advertisements on vehicles. This is perfect if your company offers regularly change, or if you just want an effective way to catch the eye of potential customers as you drive around the town.

Why Use Car Door Magnets For Advertising Your Business?

Although radio and television ads might be a great way of getting the word out about your business, they also cost a lot of money. If you don't have those kinds of advertising funds, then choosing magnets is a great alternative. They get the message out using your own unique design, and you can re-use the magnets however many times you need to.

Ordering Your Car Door Magnets

You'll first need to consider what you want to display on your car door magnets. Many businesses use them to display contact details, but you could also get extra magnets made up any time you've got a special offer running.

Magnets are extremely long-lasting, which is why a number of businesses opt to get more than one made. You can either use these separate magnets on different vehicles, or place more than one on your vehicles to advertise different aspects of the business.

When you place your order, remember not to make the design too complex. You need to consider how much people can see when you're on the road. Try fitting too many details onto your magnet and the message might not come across clearly. Magnets come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, so simply order a larger magnet if you want more information on it. Information you can use includes: your slogan, your website, your phone number, special offers and so on.

Magnet Design

Magnets are now popularly making use of full color graphics to capture potential clients' attention. Simple images can represent your services in a much clearer way than reams of text ever could. If you're using any images that you may already be using for company stationary, or business cards, make sure you have a copy of that image in a high enough resolution to translate into a large magnet.

Whatever you chose, remember there are practically unlimited options to suit you and your business. Car magnets are a modern and attractive way to get your message out there without breaking the bank!

by: Colleen Ballas

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