subject: What About Free Advertising? [print this page] When you are thinking of advertising your site, article or blog for free, do you think you will get endless streams of traffic to it? Thats a difficult question but it can be done. As with everything it sometimes it takes a bit of trial and error, but after a time you will find a system that will work for you, bringing you both plenty of free traffic and then sales.
Most places where you can submit you site to, very often offer submission to several search engines but the main problem is that it may take weeks sometimes months for them to actually get it up and running, this can be a huge problem when you want it on view straight away and can also cost a lot of money. Don't just go to the first place that offers you free advertising or site submission, the quality of what they are offering is what it is all about, so look into each offer before going ahead. Your own site must be well designed and easy to navigate before you even think of putting it out to public view, otherwise people will lose interest and go elsewhere and you must make them want to come back again. It is all too easy to click off a site if you don't like what you see.
There are other ways to advertise for free apart from submitting sites to search engines (SEO)
1.Write articles or blogs - Your article must be both interesting and informative, relevant to the subject you wish to talk about, otherwise no one will bother to read it. Read it, put it down, read and edit it again two or three times until you are really satisfied with it
2.Make videos - this is an excellent way to bring people to your site, you can submit on twitter, youtube, facebook, squidoo to name but a few. Many people prefer to view a video, rather than read an article on the computer.
3.Forums and Networking sites - These are, to my mind, the best way of advertising, first you need to get to know others on these sites, chat to them, get their trust and build a relationship with them, it might take a week or two, you will find they will be more than happy to come to your site and have a look to see what you are offering.
Other ways include sending lots of emails and writing ebooks to distribute which I won't go into here.
Whatever else, you must be consistant with your advertising, its no good producing one article or blog or submitting your site once, then sitting back and waiting for the money to roll in, sorry but it doesn't work that way! Like running any business, you must keep advertising all the time. You will find with some free advertising sites that if you want a lot more exposure you can pay to upgrade and get lots more credits for your advertisements, personally I do some free advertising and some paid, I find it works better that way.
A word of warning though, if you are an affiliate, however you advertise, it is really necessary to cloak your affiliate link, unfortunately it is all too common for someone to steal your link and thus walk away with your commissions.
by: Annette Dancer
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