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subject: Tips On Moving With Your Pets [print this page]

Tips On Moving With Your Pets

Moving is really a stressful activity a household can experience. Moreover, have you ever thought that our pets are also stressed during the move especially when you did not well planned and prepared them? Most of the time, our pets are taken for granted that we didn't put time for them on the planning process of the move. This habit should be changed.--As you prepare for moving, preparing your pets should also be on your list. Sometimes, they too are quite hard to adopt in a new environment so preparing them is a must in whatever and of moving service. Here are some gathered tips that you can use on preparing until moving your pets.--Do note in your preliminary planning that letting your pets checked by veterinarians is a good start. Get copies of our pet's health and vaccination records. Ask if there are medical problems, recommendations, and most especially ask for your vet's contact numbers in case of emergency. Most especially, don't forget your pet's identification tag or consider putting a microchip implanted.--For only short move, you can sometimes ride your pets in a car to practice and prepare them riding a car. Making them sure that they are safe. If your moving company offers a moving your pet services, much better. But if they If travelling by plane, call your airlines to check the latest rules and regulations. How to arrange and keep your pets in a safe pet crate.--For birds and like, make sure you properly put them in a stable and well ventilated cage. Place them in a good place in the car. The same thing to do if you are moving by plane.--To end this up, it is and a must to all pets that we never leave them unattended in a car. Make sure temperature is well moderated. Don't forget to feed them before and while travelling or moving. This will keep them relaxed and well behaved. Happy Moving!

by: angeliqueish

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