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The Cash Register

A cash register was developed in the late 1800s. Nowadays, this device can be found in many retail stores all over the world. It will certainly be difficult not to find it when every transaction happens. The advance of technology also has changed some of its parts. Thus, it is not the same anymore as the previous one.

The keys of this device consist of a number pad and buttons such as the total, subtotal, and tax keys. Today, the scanner has replaced most of the keys. However, those three things still exist. The function of scanner itself is for reading the bar code. Then, the bar code will tell you the item and the price. This is very important for keeping track of inventory and sales.

Another feature of a cash register is the cash drawer. This is a place that is functional for keeping the money from the payment of customers. It is also the place for putting the information about credit card and gift certificates.

There is also a printer that produces the receipt. Then, you can give the receipt to the customer and a copy for the merchant. This is a must to exist in every cash register. This is necessary to keep track of inventory and sales.

Do not forget about credit reader. Its existence is necessary when the customer pays for the purchase with a credit card. He needs to insert his credit card into the reader and sign the credit reader. He, sometimes, needs to sign the receipt.

The Cash Register

By: Zane Marquez

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